“Digital School” Vienna
ARGE Wireless School LSG/Mattig-Schauer
The Neue Mittelschulen (NMS), vocational schools and polytechnic schools in Vienna will be provided with WLAN across the board by 2022. A total of 162 schools at 105 locations with around 51,000 students will benefit from the upgrade of existing schools, in which around 12,000 access points will be wired and installed in the classrooms to enable digital learning of the future. Since last summer, the roll-out has started at several pilot locations.
Wien Energie is the City of Vienna’s partner for the operational implementation of the fiber-optic infrastructure. The locations are now being distributed among the applicants by means of a framework contract.
Together with Mattig-Schauer, LSG is now implementing the fifth school, with the first three sites having been wired in the pilot phase.
In the interaction of several magistrates of the City of Vienna (MA01, MA34, MA56), the total contractor Wien Energie, planning and project control and last but not least the individual directorates, the teaching staff and not to forget the school wardens, a filigree construct of coordination meetings, schedule coordination and completion notifications is created until the individual locations can be converted to the new fiber network.
A special challenge is the work during school operation and especially during lessons. Lockdown, homeschooling and class sharing have so far allowed for a lean scheduling concept, but this will now change with the full operation of the educational facilities. Sophisticated scheduling, stringent safety concepts and all-around professional installation handling are once again the key to accident-free success here.
LSG is a reliable partner for this due to its many years of assembly work “during operation” and, together with our ARGE partner Mattig-Schauer, a guarantor for successful completion.
Period: August 2020 – November 2022