

Shops Serbia

Shops Serbia

Various clients: Montecristo d.o.o., Montecristo BG d.o.o., Montecristo BG clothing store d.o.o., MONILE SRB d.o.o, Pianoforte Montenegro d.o.o. and others.

LSG Building Solutions d.o.o. sas been doing refurbishing and redesigning retail units for various investors in different shops. Some of them are: Galileo in Big Fashion, Galileo in Rajicevoj , Gerry Weber – Rajeviceva , Modiana in Mercator Beograd, recovery Gerry Weber Mercator Beograd, Modiana in Roda Center Niš, Modiana in Roda Center Kragujevac.

Scop of works
The scope of the work executed depnded on the project. In most cases, LSG performed both mechanical and electro-works, and sometimes construction-related works. In addition to the mentioned works, LSG has grown to be a partner in servicing and maintaining the equipment of installed systems.

Short completion times are part of our daily business. So far, we have managed to keep all opening deadlines.

12 / 2017

Various clients: Montecristo d.o.o., Montecristo BG d.o.o., Montecristo BG clothing store d.o.o., MONILE SRB d.o.o, Pianoforte Montenegro d.o.o. and others.

LSG Building Solutions d.o.o. sas been doing refurbishing and redesigning retail units for various investors in different shops. Some of them are: Galileo in Big Fashion, Galileo in Rajicevoj , Gerry Weber – Rajeviceva , Modiana in Mercator Beograd, recovery Gerry Weber Mercator Beograd, Modiana in Roda Center Niš, Modiana in Roda Center Kragujevac.

Scop of works
The scope of the work executed depnded on the project. In most cases, LSG performed both mechanical and electro-works, and sometimes construction-related works. In addition to the mentioned works, LSG has grown to be a partner in servicing and maintaining the equipment of installed systems.

Short completion times are part of our daily business. So far, we have managed to keep all opening deadlines.

12 / 2017

office.group@lsg-group.eu Tel: +(43) 1 61666520

All rights reserved LSG Group GmbH 2023

All rights reserved LSG Group GmbH 2023