

Wifi der Wirtschaftskammer

Wifi der Wirtschaftskammer

Wifi of the Chamber of Commerce

The building with the 3 components at Währinger Gürtel was partially brought back to the state of the art.

Many small-scale improvements in IT, emergency lighting, electrical supply and security technology were carried out. The old emergency power generator was replaced by a modern backup diesel generator, the UPS system was enlarged.

During the execution, there were frequent changes in the power supply and necessary interventions in the existing installations, which did not make the whole process any easier. Thus, the adaptation of the classrooms and some rooms in building sections A and B turned into the upgrading of the corridor areas and parts of the central facilities.

Nevertheless, the team managed to complete all the client’s wishes and to react in the best possible way to the surprises of the project – “passed with excellent success”!

Period: May 2021 – March 2022

Wifi of the Chamber of Commerce

The building with the 3 components at Währinger Gürtel was partially brought back to the state of the art.

Many small-scale improvements in IT, emergency lighting, electrical supply and security technology were carried out. The old emergency power generator was replaced by a modern backup diesel generator, the UPS system was enlarged.

During the execution, there were frequent changes in the power supply and necessary interventions in the existing installations, which did not make the whole process any easier. Thus, the adaptation of the classrooms and some rooms in building sections A and B turned into the upgrading of the corridor areas and parts of the central facilities.

Nevertheless, the team managed to complete all the client’s wishes and to react in the best possible way to the surprises of the project – “passed with excellent success”!

Period: May 2021 – March 2022

office.group@lsg-group.eu Tel: +(43) 1 61666520

All rights reserved LSG Group GmbH 2023

All rights reserved LSG Group GmbH 2023